Tuesday 12 January 2016

Day 27 - Venice

DAY 27 - 
Fast train - Frecciarossa
On the fast train again to Venice this time, the sky is blue and clear, a beautiful sunny day. The first third of the journey is very hilly, so we pass underground a lot through the hills. The second-third  of the journey the landscape is flat with more vineyards, vegetable crops and Italian towns but in the distance I can see snow capped mountains. The last third has some hills here and there and then all of sudden we are crossing water. It felt a bit weird being on a train and all you can see from the window is gorgeous aqua coloured water but at the same time, I was so excited to be here in Venice, a city I have always wanted to visit. The temperature we were expecting outside when we arrived was about 10°, our coldest day in Italy so far but when we get out it certainly felt warmer than that. 

View of Grand Canal from water bus
Mark made contact with Fabio the owner of the apartment to organize pick up of keys and show us the apartment. My first impressions of Venice is that I will love this city on water. I stand at the back of the water bus in the open air snapping away with my camera. Our apartment is lovely with a little balcony overlooking a small garden. The decor is what you would expect in a Venetian house, marble tile floors, rugs, replica bust of Michelangelo's statue of David, tapestry wall hanging. Ana is happy that it has two bathrooms.
Entry to St. Mark's Square
We find a place to have a late lunch then walk to St. Mark's Square with beautiful buildings but I prefer the little walkways, small boutique shops, canals and little bridges
over them, oh and no cars, a very relaxing place to be. Very close to our apartment, I discovered that the small church we walk past is the one that Baroque composer Vivaldi was baptised in - he is most famous for composing the four violin concertos known as "The Four Seasons".
Leaning tower of Venice?
Cute bridges over canals

Later on in the early evening, Mark and I wandered around our area in search of basic items and found ourselves at the Grand Canal entrance viewing the most beautiful sunset. I can see why people adore Venice.



1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics - Don't forget to have a Bellini...or three x
