Saturday 19 December 2015

DAY 1 -

As the plane came into landing at Moscow, the sun was rising (about 8.45am) and we could see snow everywhere, the land seems quite flat.  It was interesting to see snow ploughs and trucks filled with snow driving around the airport. We had no problems getting through passport control and customs (yay) and were relieved to be greeted by Anthony.
It was -5 degrees outside but it was so refreshing after being on a plane and in airports for 24 hours.  We had another 2 & 1/2 hour drive to our destination (I won't complain about Melbourne's traffic again) but I didn't mind that much as it was beautiful to see snow on the trees, lovely buildings/churches here and there (and not so lovely).  Driving on the other side of the road is something to get used to and felt strange.  Ana and I couldn't help but notice a lot of ambulances and police cars going past (should I be worried?)

Finally, we arrived at our destination and the happy face of Sarah and warmth of the house greeted us.  After settling in a bit and having a shower, coffee and lunch, we were so excited to see snow that we rugged up and went outside to play in it and build a snowman.

Later that day, Sarah drove us to a nearby forest and lake which was frozen.  It was fascinating to see an ice fisherman fishing.  I wasn't brave enough to walk on the frozen lake despite the fisherman, but Mark and Toby did walk on it a little (and be silly), just to freak me out I think.  Afterwards, we stopped by the local village supermarket where Mark and I tried to guess what the Russian packaging said and work out the Russian ruble pricing compared to our dollar.

We finished the day with a lovely home cooked meal, wine and an early night.

Frozen lake

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