Wednesday 23 December 2015

DAY 5 & 6 - Cat Cafe/Old Arbat Street


Beautiful Metro Station
 Sarah, being a cat lover like me, was eager to take us to the Cat Café in Moscow. So ten of us set off (us, Sarah, Dan & Mitchell together with neighbor Sheri and her twin 17yo boys) on the metro, this time with a change over of metro lines which meant stopping at one of the more extravagant stations to get to our destination.  We then walked to the Cat Café which, much to our disappointment, looked like it had closed.  However, with today's technology and clever phone app, we were able to decipher that the café had moved, so off we went.

Kids with forest cat
The kids were delighted to spend time with the nine or ten cats of all different colours and types.  The Cat Café takes in sick/wounded street cats or abandoned cats and nurses them back to health.  There was one cat in particular that looked like he had been picked up out of the forest, so tall with extraordinarily long ears and a long bushy tail (like Cousy's tail but much longer).

Interesting building along the way
After our papoose fix (Sarah's word for cat), we headed to Old Arbat Street in Moscow.  It's a one kilometre pedestrian street full of bars, shops, museums and restaurants along the historical centre of Moscow.  There were lovely old buildings everywhere. The girls and Mark tried some more Russian cuisine for lunch whereas the young boys preferred to eat burgers at Shake Shack a few shops down.  
One of the Stalin Sisters
in the background

Afterwards, we continued our walk down Arbat Street (walk off our lunch) and came across one of themagnificent Stalin Sister buildings, although only built between 1947 to 1953, the architectural design is very grand indeed.  There are seven of these buildings across Moscow.
Arbat Street


Unfortunately, there is not much to report for today as both Mark and Sarah have come down with a cold/chest thingy.  Sarah headed off to the doctor for herself and about $240AUD later (very expensive), was diagnosed with a chest infection - poor Sarah. She was given some antibiotics of which we then headed to the pharmacy and got some for Mark so he could get on top of his sickness quickly - yes over the counter.  We had to get some more cream for Toby's sores he has on his body (its either a very, very mild case of chicken pox or "school sores" either of which we need to be careful about). He is however, feeling very well so we are thinking the latter.

So apart from the trip to the pharmacy (which is interesting trying to translate what you want, again technology to the rescue), it was a restful day spent at home.

Amazing leadlight in one of the stations

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