Monday 21 December 2015

Day 3 & 4

DAY 3 -

"No swimming" !?!
You can just see some ice fisherman
After reading the weather forecast, we took the opportunity to go for a five km walk through the forest whilst there was still snow. So we headed off about 9am just after sunrise, is was about -1 degrees when we started.  It was so beautiful, I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing snow settled on trees. We trudged through fresh snow that fell overnight and dodged some skiers making the most of the snow too.  It didn't at all feel that cold in the forest and we could tell it was warming up as snow started to melt and fall off the trees.

REAL Christmas trees!!!
Today was spent a little more quietly to catch up on washing and relax a little but Sarah did take Mark, Ana and I to some indoor markets to buy ingredients for party with Sarah & Anthony's next door neighbours.  Again, it was interesting seeing all the Russian packaging for foods and then seeing familiar items amongst them (Snickers, Mars bars, Lindt, Pringles - even crab flavoured ones).  It was very busy and no one blinks an eye if you happen to bump them or they bump you, or people reach across you if they want something without saying a word.  It could easily be perceived as being rude but that's the Russian way and they actually are quite helpful.  One guy came along and translated for Sarah and I as we were trying to buy antibiotic cream (yes, you can buy it over the counter) at the pharmacy.

We finished the night with the "silly Christmas t-shirt/costume" party next door.  Sarah kindly found some silly t-shirts for us all to wear so we didn't feel left out.  She is such a wonderful friend.

DAY 4 -

We raced off on the metro again this morning to Izmailovo. The underground train service here is brilliant. Trains run every two minutes both ways, are fast and clean. No one eats or drinks on the train therefore keeping it that way.  The stations are so clean too.  No graffiti that I have seen, no vending machines selling food or drinks, therefore no bins are required.  Oh, and it is so cheap per person to use the metro service.

Kremlin of Ismailovo
Sarah told us there were markets at Izmailovo but what we saw when we arrived astounded us all.  The markets were set up next to the Kremlin of Izmailovo (kremlin means fortress within a city). We had a look through the Kremlin and were amazed at the colourful buildings inside. Every building was different to the next whether it be shape, size, building materials, colour - fabulous.

Inside Kremlin
More interesting architecture


 We ventured on to the markets full of stall after stall selling matryoshka dolls, fur hats, scarves and coats, hand painted wooden ornaments, decorated Faberge eggs, beautiful Uzbeki style hand painted plates/bowls, Russian badges, delicious shashliks (kebabs) for lunch.  I have never been a big "market" person but really enjoyed the experience here.

The day was spent here and we headed for home tired but happy with backpacks full and carrying bags with us.  
The market stalls are held under the brown roofs above.

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